THE OBSESSION MOVIE - 28 Million DVDs Mailed Across US ! Attacking Islam Labels Muslims as "Radicals" & "Terrorists" WHO ARE THE REAL RADICALS? - AGAINST ISLAM? ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Check out new websites to counter oppressive attacks Islam: (the answer to their hatred and evil movie)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Baby Doll said "Islam is the light"?
Baby Doll saying "Islam is the light". Is it really saying that or it's just Islamophobia? The doll manufaturer Fisher Price is not a Muslim company but how is this happened?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sultan Muhammad al-Fatih - Animated Movie
Historical cartoon of the conquering of the Christian capital of Constantinople by Sultan Muhammad al-Fatih. Constantinople is now Istanbul the capital of Turkey
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Boy and The King - Animated Movie
The story surrounds a young boy called Obaid. He is confronted with a choice to live an easy life in this world or to struggle for reward in the Hereafter. The story takes place during the tyrannical rule King Narsis, who controls his people by encouraging them to worship idols and frightening them with the magic of Cinatas, his evil sorcerer. Cinatas chooses Obaid to be his student, someone who will assist him in his magic. At first, the boy is tempted by dreams of the power and the influence he will wield as the king's next sorcerer. But, soon after he starts to question his priorities. He begins talking to a righteous and a very holy man, who opens his mind to the true meaning of life.
This righteous man tells Obaid that there is only one God, Allah Almighty and that He created mankind to worship Him alone. Though these words appeal to Obaid’s heart and mind, he's still pretty much confused. The righteous man advises him to seek the truth on his own – and thus begins the boy’s quest for the real meaning of life. But how can Obaid find out the truth? And, if he finds it, will he have the strength to follow it – regardless whether it will cost him his life?
This story is taken from an authentic narration or a Hadith of Islamic prophet Muhammad that explains the reference to “The people of the ditch” in Surat Al-Burooj from the Holy Qur’an {85:4). The Qur'anic story is about a boy who believes in Allah Almighty, and he is blessed with divine protection from the plotting of a wicked king.
This righteous man tells Obaid that there is only one God, Allah Almighty and that He created mankind to worship Him alone. Though these words appeal to Obaid’s heart and mind, he's still pretty much confused. The righteous man advises him to seek the truth on his own – and thus begins the boy’s quest for the real meaning of life. But how can Obaid find out the truth? And, if he finds it, will he have the strength to follow it – regardless whether it will cost him his life?
This story is taken from an authentic narration or a Hadith of Islamic prophet Muhammad that explains the reference to “The people of the ditch” in Surat Al-Burooj from the Holy Qur’an {85:4). The Qur'anic story is about a boy who believes in Allah Almighty, and he is blessed with divine protection from the plotting of a wicked king.
Sunday, September 21, 2008


Prophet Muhammad SAW

Monday, August 25, 2008
Ramadan Dua from the Qur'an and Sunnah
Ramadan is the month of fasting for all the Muslims who are followers of Islam. Ramadan is the ninth month of Islamic calendar and is the month of devotion of self to Allah. Muslims believe that during this month they must indulge themselves praying to Allah and concentrating less on their daily work schedules. Ramadan involves visiting mosque and praying. The prayers recited by Muslims on the occasion of Ramadan is said to be the Ramadan dua. During Ramadan Muslims have meals twice a day. One meal before the sunrise called suhoor and one meal after the sunset called Iftar. Muslims recite a dua before having their suhoor and Iftar meals.
Actions that break the fast
Lecture by Sheikh Hasan Khalil - The Islamic Society of Arlington Texas
Friday, August 22, 2008
A Land Called Paradise
In December 2007, over 2,000 American Muslims were asked what they would wish to say to the rest of the world. This is what they said. A music video for Kareem Salama's "A Land Called Paradise." - Lena Khan
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See more:
From the Ground Up
A Muslim-American pays his respects at Ground Zero.-Mohammad Maaty & Jared Cleary
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See more:
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Love for His blessed hair (SalAllahu alaihi wasalam)
The story of Khaled Ibn Alwalid's famous love to the Prophet (pbuh) moment in the battle of Al-Yarmouk when he lost his helmet. He always had few strands hidden in the helmet. Shot by Oscar winning Director Stephan Ruzowisky.
Love for His Blessed Hair by islam-english
Love for His Blessed Hair by islam-english
Prophet Muhammad SAW
History of The Bible
Dr. Bart D. Ehrman chairman Religious Studies Dept University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His desire to understand the original words of the Bible demolished his faith in it. He is now agnostic.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Prophet Musa Alaihissalam
NABI MUSA (AS) Bahasa Indonesia
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Early Marriage 2
This presentation (part 2) discusses several lies about the marriage of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, to Sayyideh Aisha:
- did the prophet force Abu Bakr to accept the marriage
- were sexual acts performed when Aisha was six
- had Aisha reached puberty when her marriage was consummated
- did Aisha consent to the marriage
- does the Quran and Islam permit consummation to prepubescent girls
- did Prophet Muhammad invent Islam to satisfy his sexual desires
- did the prophet force Abu Bakr to accept the marriage
- were sexual acts performed when Aisha was six
- had Aisha reached puberty when her marriage was consummated
- did Aisha consent to the marriage
- does the Quran and Islam permit consummation to prepubescent girls
- did Prophet Muhammad invent Islam to satisfy his sexual desires
Early Marriage 1
False claims and attacks against early marriage in Islam are addressed, such as:
1) Islam's age of consent was low in history
2) Islam allowed marriage at puberty in pre-modern times, which caused psychological harm because puberty was too young to give informed consent (resulting in child sexual abuse and pedophilia)
3) Islam allowed procreation at puberty in pre-modern times, which was more dangerous to the younger mothers
4) Islam allows marriage at puberty in modern times, which causes sexual and psychological harm
1) Islam's age of consent was low in history
2) Islam allowed marriage at puberty in pre-modern times, which caused psychological harm because puberty was too young to give informed consent (resulting in child sexual abuse and pedophilia)
3) Islam allowed procreation at puberty in pre-modern times, which was more dangerous to the younger mothers
4) Islam allows marriage at puberty in modern times, which causes sexual and psychological harm
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Forbidden Love : 2007 One Nation Online Film Contest Finalist
Ashamed to pray in public, a Muslim college girl searches for a private place to pray on campus.
See more:
Sand Fountain in Saudi Arabia
Suddently, a 9-meter fountain (geyser) apparead, in the Al-Ahsae City, Eastern Saudi Arabia.
Immediately, Armaco geological teams and scientists hurry to deal with this strange phenomenon, but they did not succeed in explaining what happened !
But they agreed on a theory (...) that these are -what so called- burdens of the Earth.
Allah said in the Quran : "And the earth throws up her burdens (from within)" 99.2
Some scientists said this phenomenon will lead to apparency of new materials, which will change the humanity way of life ...
Immediately, Armaco geological teams and scientists hurry to deal with this strange phenomenon, but they did not succeed in explaining what happened !
But they agreed on a theory (...) that these are -what so called- burdens of the Earth.
Allah said in the Quran : "And the earth throws up her burdens (from within)" 99.2
Some scientists said this phenomenon will lead to apparency of new materials, which will change the humanity way of life ...
The Miracles
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The Message - Full Movie
Actor: Anthony Quinn as Hamza
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Muslim call to adopt Mecca time - BBC News

Muslim call to adopt Mecca time
By Magdi Abdelhadi BBC Arab affairs analyst
Muslim scientists and clerics have called for the adoption of Mecca time to replace GMT, arguing that the Saudi city is the true centre of the Earth. Mecca is the direction all Muslims face when they perform their daily prayers. The call was issued at a conference held in the Gulf state of Qatar under the title: Mecca, the Centre of the Earth, Theory and Practice. One geologist argued that unlike other longitudes, Mecca's was in perfect alignment to magnetic north. He said the English had imposed GMT on the rest of the world by force when Britain was a big colonial power, and it was about time that changed. Mecca watch A prominent cleric, Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawy, said modern science had at last provided evidence that Mecca was the true centre of the Earth; proof, he said, of the greatness of the Muslim "qibla" - the Arabic word for the direction Muslims turn to when they pray.
The meeting also reviewed what has been described as a Mecca watch, the brainchild of a French Muslim. The watch is said to rotate anti-clockwise and is supposed to help Muslims determine the direction of Mecca from any point on Earth. The meeting in Qatar is part of a popular trend in some Muslim societies of seeking to find Koranic precedents for modern science.
It is called "Ijaz al-Koran", which roughly translates as the "miraculous nature of the holy text".
The underlying belief is that scientific truths were also revealed in the Muslim holy book, and it is the work of scholars to unearth and publicise the textual evidence.
But the movement is not without its critics, who say that the notion that modern science was revealed in the Koran confuses spiritual truth, which is constant, and empirical truth, which depends on the state of science at any given point in time.
It is called "Ijaz al-Koran", which roughly translates as the "miraculous nature of the holy text".
The underlying belief is that scientific truths were also revealed in the Muslim holy book, and it is the work of scholars to unearth and publicise the textual evidence.
But the movement is not without its critics, who say that the notion that modern science was revealed in the Koran confuses spiritual truth, which is constant, and empirical truth, which depends on the state of science at any given point in time.
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2008/04/21 15:49:27 GMT
Science Islam
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
How To Download Video?

You can download any type of video using Fast Video Download (FVD) using Mozilla Firefox. Click this link: FVD Add On
This tip is broad to you by Islamic Video.
Download Video
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Solat - English 1 to 15
How to perform solat? Start from ablution or tayammum and then perform solat according to hadith.
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AS-SALAH - The Prayer (part 10) - The top video clips of the week are here
AS-SALAH - The Prayer (part 11) - The best video clips are here
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AS-SALAH - The Prayer (part 14) - Click here for more amazing videos
AS-SALAH - The Prayer (part 15) - Click here for this week’s top video clips
AS-SALAH - The Prayer (part 1) - Watch the best video clips here
AS-SALAH - The Prayer (part 2) - The most amazing videos are a click away
AS-SALAH - The Prayer (part 3) - Free videos are just a click away
AS-SALAH - The Prayer (part 4) - The funniest movie is here. Find it
AS-SALAH - The Prayer (part 5) - More free videos are here
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AS-SALAH - The Prayer (part 7) - Click here for funny video clips
AS-SALAH - The Prayer (part 8) - The most popular videos are a click away
AS-SALAH - The Prayer (part 9) - More amazing video clips are a click away
AS-SALAH - The Prayer (part 10) - The top video clips of the week are here
AS-SALAH - The Prayer (part 11) - The best video clips are here
AS-SALAH - The Prayer (part 12) - For more funny videos, click here
AS-SALAH - The Prayer (part 14) - Click here for more amazing videos
AS-SALAH - The Prayer (part 15) - Click here for this week’s top video clips
Monday, June 23, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Is Makkah the centre of the Earth?
A Muslim scientist says modern science provided evidence that Makkah is the true centre of the Earth.
Science Islam
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
That moral values of the Qur'an will come to rule the world is a great blessing revealed in the Qur'an, reported in the hadiths of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and discussed in the works of Islamic scholars. Our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) has revealed that Allah will bring Qur'anic moral values to prevail on Earth by means of the Mahdi. It is reported in one of the hadiths of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) that, by the will of Allah, the Mahdi will appear in the End Times and cause Islamic moral values to prevail on Earth:
If only one day of this time (world) remained, Allah would raise up a man from my family who would fill this earth with justice as it has been filled with oppression.1
According to the hadiths as well as interpretations by Islamic scholars, one of the most important phases in the dominion of Islamic moral values is the establishment of Islamic Union, in other words the union of the Islamic world. According to the hadiths, the fragmentation in the Islamic world will come to an end with the appearance of the Mahdi, and Muslims will come together in Qur'anic moral values under his leadership.
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, who discussed the subjects of the End Times and the dominion of Qur'anic moral values in his works, particularly concentrated on the subject of Islamic Union. Bediuzzaman stated that the Mahdi would be a means whereby Islamic Union would be established, and described the formation of an Islamic Union and Islamic moral values coming to prevail on Earth as a great cause for rejoicing in the Islamic world. Bediuzzaman said the following on this subject:
The greatest religious duty of this time is the Islamic Union.2
... By the will of Allah, you will attain a great cause for rejoicing of the Islamic world. There are many signs that the unification of Islamic republics will bring the Holy Qur'an, the source of holy laws, to rule the future and will bring great rejoicing to mankind.3
As we have seen, Bediuzzaman has stated that the establishment of an Islamic Union is a most important duty which must be fulfilled. As stated by Bediuzzaman, there are many signs that Islamic Union will come about and that Qur'anic moral values will rule the Earth. These signs have been reported in detail in hadiths. The holy individual in whom all these signs are manifested, and who will be the means whereby Qur'anic moral values come to rule the world, is the Mahdi.
The Irrefutable Sign of the Mahdi
The duties that will be performed by the Mahdi are the most important signs of this holy individual. As reported in the hadiths of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), being the means whereby Islam comes to rule the world is an irrefutable attribute of the Mahdi.
In his works, Bediuzzaman has described in detail many attributes that will determine the holy identity of the Mahdi. Bediuzzaman describes the duties of the Mahdi, and says that the establishment of Islamic Union will be one of the three greatest responsibilities of the Mahdi. Bediuzzaman describes this great duty of the Mahdi in these terms:
The third duty of that individual [the Mahdi] is to build an Islamic Caliphate on an Islamic unity and to serve Islam by allying himself with Christians. This duty can be fulfilled by a great caliphate and force and the sacrifices of millions. The first duty is three to four times more valuable than the other two. However, since the second and third duties will be in a very bright and broad sphere and in a glittering manner they will appear more important in the eyes of the people and the community.4
As Bediuzzaman has stated, the Mahdi will first build an Islamic Union. Then, with the power and support of the Islamic Union, he will bring Qur'anic moral values and the Sunnah of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) to prevail on Earth. In fulfilling this sacred task, he will - by the will of Allah - possess great strength, power and authority. In another statement, Bediuzzaman expresses this fact thus:
The Great Mahdi will have numerous functions. He will carry out duties in the world of politics, the world of religion, the world of government, and in the many spheres of the world of Islam…5
As we have seen, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi states that the Mahdi will serve in such major spheres as politics, government and religion.
According to the information in the hadiths and the expositions of Bediuzzaman, the Mahdi is a holy individual who will serve in these major spheres, found an Islamic Union, inflict an intellectual defeat on materialism and atheism, strengthen spiritual values and be a means whereby Islamic moral values come to rule the world. The principal sign of the Mahdi, as Bediuzzaman has stated, is his establishment of an Islamic Union and bringing the moral values of the Qur'an to prevail on Earth. It is meaningless to speak of other signs beyond this, and to concentrate on and look for these alone. Other signs only acquire significance in the event that this great sign takes place.
As stated above, the dominion of Islamic moral values is an irrefutable sign of the Mahdi. So long as this irrefutable sign of the Mahdi fails to materialise, it is impossible to speak of the position of Mahdi or of the duties of that position having been fulfilled. When, by the will of Allah, this holy individual appears, he will not, as is revealed in the hadiths, claim to hold the rank of Mahdi nor engage in any such propaganda. The great deeds of the Mahdi will be the most important evidence and proof that this holy individual has appeared. In one hadith it is reported that people will pledge allegiance to the Mahdi, although he will not desire this:
They will pledge allegiance to the Mahdi against his wishes. Later, the Mahdi will cause them to perform 2 rakats of salat and will ascend to the pulpit.6
The revelation in the hadith that people will pledge allegiance to the Mahdi, albeit against his wishes is a sign that he will never claim to be the Mahdi. The evident signs manifested in the Mahdi and his own great deeds will show that he is the awaited holy individual. He himself will make no such claims or suggestions.
In addition to the information provided in the hadiths and by Islamic scholars, there are also indications in many verses of the Qur'an to the effect that Qur'anic moral values will come to rule the world.
It Is Revealed in the Qur'an That Islamic Moral Values Will Rule the World
The Qur'an is a sacred Book, the stipulations set out in which will apply until the Day of Judgement, which covers all areas of a believer's life, and in which all of our Lord's commands appear in a flawless form. One of the greatest miracles of the Qur'an is that ever since it was first revealed, Muslims of all times have found signs referring to their own age. According to what is stated in the hadiths, Islamic moral values' coming to prevail on Earth is the most important of the signs that will come to pass after the death of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and up until the Day of Judgement. It is revealed in the Qur'an that Islamic moral values will rule the world:
Allah has promised those of you who believe and do right actions that He will make them successors in the land as He made those before them successors, and will firmly establish for them their religion with which He is pleased and give them, in place of their fear, security. "They worship Me, not associating anything with Me." Any who disbelieve after that, such people are deviators. (Surat an-Nur, 55)
As is revealed in this verse, Islamic moral values prevailing on Earth is a stipulation of our Lord's, and a promise to sincere believers who ascribe no partners to Him. By the will of Allah, this stipulation will come to pass by means of the Mahdi in the End Times. In addition, many accounts in the Qur'an which provide information about the prophets and verses refer to this holy individual, the Mahdi, who will be instrumental in this holy phenomenon. There are various hadiths of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) that state there are signs in the Qur'an pointing to this important matter. One of these reads as follows:
The Mahdi will rule Earth, just like Dhu'l-Qarnayn and Sulayman.7
As we have seen in the hadith, it is indicated that the accounts of Dhu'l-Qarnayn and Prophet Sulayman (peace be upon them) revealed in the Qur'an should be considered in the context of the Mahdi and the dominion of Islamic moral values.
In the hadiths below, it is revealed that there are important signs regarding the Mahdi and the End Times in the accounts of Ashab al-Kahf (Companions of the Cave) and Talut:
The Companions of the Cave [Ahl al-Kahf] will be the Mahdi's helpers.8
The number of the Mahdi's helpers will be as many as those who crossed the river with Talut.9
Although the Mahdi and his helpmates could be explained in various ways, it is of the greatest importance that our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) interpreted them in connection with the accounts in the Qur'an. This is one of the most powerful pieces of evidence of the presence in the Qur'an of many verses referring to the End Times. According to the information contained in the hadiths and indicated in the Qur'an, the Mahdi will have great power and authority, just like Dhu'l-Qarnayn and Prophet Sulayman (peace be upon them). In the same way that Dhu'l-Qarnayn (pbuh) brought the strife of Yajuj and Majuj to an end, the Mahdi will bring violence and terror, great calamities for mankind, to an end. Just as in the time of Prophet Sulayman (pbuh), in the time of the Mahdi great importance will be attached to art and beauty, and the Earth will be constructed in the most beautiful manner.
In the light of the information provided in the verses of the Qur'an and the hadiths, certain other features of the time in which the Mahdi will appear are considered below.
The Mahdi and the Golden Age
Islamic scholars have described the period when Islamic moral values will rule the world under the leadership of the Mahdi as the "Golden Age." According to the information in the Qur'an, the Golden Age will be a period like the "Blessed Period" that will last for more than fifty years.
In the Golden Age, want and hunger will disappear, there will be an abundance of goods and products, injustice and oppression will come to an end, justice will prevail over the Earth, disagreements, violence and conflict will come to an end, peace and security will be ensured, technological advances will reach the highest level, and humanity will make the best possible use of these technological advances. When people are in full obedience to the state and its institutions, a requirement of Qur'anic moral values, peace and harmony will be enjoyed.
People will be so happy with their lives in the Golden Age that, as stated in the hadiths, they will ask Allah to extend their lives to allow them to benefit from these beauties for longer. This is revealed thus in the hadith:
The younger ones wish they were grown-ups, while the adults wish they were younger... The good become even more good, and even the wicked ones are treated well.10
The Mahdi Will Bring Islamic Moral Values to Prevail by Means of Peace and Love
It is revealed in the hadiths that the Mahdi will bring Islamic moral values to prevail by means of peace and love. The Mahdi will constantly call on people, with tolerance, patience, compassion and love, to believe in Allah as the one and only, and will call on them to live by the moral values of the Qur'an and the Sunnah. It is revealed in these terms in the hadiths that Islamic moral values will prevail on Earth in peace:
In this time [the time of the Mahdi], neither a man will be awoken from sleep, nor will a person's nose bleed.11
The Mahdi will follow the way of the Prophet. He will not wake up a sleeping person or shed blood.12
As is revealed in the hadiths, the Mahdi will cause Islamic values to prevail on Earth by peaceful means, and will avoid war and violence. The path to be followed by the Mahdi will turn people towards Islamic moral values with great cultural strides worldwide.
One of the similarities of the Mahdi to Prophet Sulayman and Dhu'l-Qarnayn (peace be upon them) described by our beloved Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) is on this subject. As is revealed in verses of the Qur'an, Prophet Sulayman (pbuh) established a great civilisation in his time, and he ensured his dominion by means of diplomacy, art and culture. Despite possessing a very powerful and irresistible army, he did not employ military force. As is revealed in the Qur'an, Dhu'l-Qarnayn (pbuh) was regarded by the peoples around him as someone who prevented corruption and strife on Earth, and as a leader who brought peace and security. This aspect of the ages of Prophet Sulayman and Dhu'l-Qarnayn (peace be upon them) bears great similarities to that when the Mahdi will cause Islamic moral values to prevail on Earth.
The Mahdi Will Put an End to Oppression, Violence and Terror
Our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) has revealed that as well as causing Islamic moral values to prevail on Earth, the Mahdi will also put an end to the chaos, conflict, violence, war, injustice and oppression that are some of the signs of the End Times. Our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) has given the glad tidings of the great change that will be experienced with the coming of the Mahdi:
The world filled with oppression and tyranny will overflow with justice after he [the Mahdi] comes.13
In the Qur'an it is revealed that our Lord calls people to peace:
Allah calls to the Abode of Peace and He guides whom He wills to a straight path. (Surah Yunus, 25)
As a requirement of Qur'anic moral values, the Mahdi will call on people to be peaceloving, and will reconcile them. According to the hadiths, there will be no more enmity and hatred in the time of the Mahdi, and terror and violence will come to an end. Some of the hadiths on this subject read:
[In the time of Mahdi] Enmity and hatred between people will cease. Scorpions and snakes will not be poisonous, and even children will play with snakes without being bitten… Wolves will be among sheep like sheepdogs. The world will fill with religious unity like the cup fills with water. Nobody but Allah will be worshipped. Nothing will be left of warfare and conflict.14
[In the time of Mahdi] Then the Earth will become safe so that lions may graze with camels; tigers with cows, wolves with sheep; and so that children may play with snakes without being harmed.15
As can be seen from the hadiths, in the time of the Mahdi there will be great brotherhood among peoples now in dispute, and conflict of all kinds will be replaced by peace, love and friendship. The moderate, contemporary, rational and civilised model of Islam to be established in the time of this holy individual will illuminate the whole world.
There Will Be Abundance and Plenty in the Time of the Mahdi
It is revealed in hadiths that in the time of the Mahdi there will be a hitherto unseen abundance of goods and products, and that the Mahdi will behave most generously:
The Mahdi will emerge from my community. Almighty Allah will send him to make people wealthy. In his time, my community will be blessed, animals will be abundant and there will be a great supply of foodstuffs of the earth, and the Mahdi will distribute goods in abundance to all people equally.16
... In that time, the communities of the earth and the heavens, all wild animals, birds, and even the fish in the sea will rejoice in his caliphate. In his time even the running rivers will increase their waters. The Mahdi will bring the treasures forth...17As seen from the hadiths, in the time of the Mahdi there will be great plenty and abundance in all spheres, and people's suffering and poverty will come to an end.
In the Time of the Mahdi People Will Make the Best Use of All Technological Means
The Mahdi's best use of technological facilities may lie at the root of the plenty and abundance, and people's achieving well-being, in his time. In one hadith the abundance in the time of the Mahdi is described thus:
Someone sowing a measure of wheat will find seven hundred in return... A person will scatter a few handfuls of seeds but reap 700 handfuls. Despite an abundance of rain, not a drop will go waste.18
It is probable that in this narration, the transition to modern forms of agriculture, the development of new production techniques, seed improvement studies and improved use of rainwater by building dams and artificial lakes are being indicated (Allah knows best, of course).
There is no doubt that all these are techniques and methods obtained through technological advances.
In terms of technological development, our century is witnessing a pace the like of which has never been seen before. A great many technological means, which did not even have names 100 years ago, have now become indispensable parts of people's lives. There are even great differences between today's technology and that of just five years ago. There can be no doubt that this indicates that our age is a very special one. As can be seen from descriptions in the hadiths, these developments will accelerate still further with the appearance of the Mahdi, and technological facilities will be made available to all people equally. Thanks to technological advances in such fields as medicine, transport, communications, agriculture and energy, people will be able to live in the most comfortable, convenient and pleasant way.
All this information shows that the time of the Mahdi will be one of the most peaceful, most secure, most splendid and most comfortable in history, just like the time of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace).
As is stated in the verse "We have created all things in predestination" (Surat al-Qamar, 49), our Lord has created everything in the light of a specific destiny. Like those of all animate and inanimate things, the destiny of the Mahdi is already set out in the sight of Allah. The identity of this holy individual, his signs, his appearance, his establishing an Islamic Union and his bringing Islamic moral values to prevail on Earth have all happened and are all over and done with in the sight of Allah.
Allah is unbound by space and time. Human beings, however, live in a dimension that is fettered by space and time, and know nothing without the information placed in their memories. For example, the events that human beings refer to as "the future" are the future because, as a requirement of the environment of testing in this world, Allah has not placed them in our memories, so we cannot know them. Events referring to the future have not yet been experienced by people. Our Almighty Lord, however, is not bound by space and time, and it is He Who created these out of nothing. Therefore, for Allah the past, present and future are all one, and are all over and done with. We can understand that time is a single moment in the sight of Allah, and that there are no past or future for Him, from the style employed in the Qur'an. In those verses in which it is stated that people will have to account for themselves to Allah, it is revealed that these events referring to the future have long since actually taken place:
And the trumpet is blown, and all who are in the heavens and all who are on the earth swoon away, save him whom Allah wills. Then it is blown a second time, and behold them standing waiting! (Surat az-Zumar, 68)
All events that have happened or will happen in this world have come to an end in a single moment in the light of the destiny set out by Almighty Allah. Therefore, all the signs of the End Times which our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) has stated will take place in the future had actually already happened at that time. In other words, in the time of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) the Mahdi had come into the world, lived, performed all his deeds, and died. Indeed, every moment of the life of the Mahdi was already over with in the time of the Prophet Adam (pbuh). The Mahdi had already fulfilled his duties in the times of the Prophets Musa, Yusuf, Nuh and 'Isa (peace be upon them all). When the time appointed by Allah comes, everyone living in the End Times will follow and witness these holy events.
It must not be forgotten that whoever Allah has so destined will be the Mahdi. The Mahdi is a holy individual revealed by Allah to our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), who described 1,400 years ago his physical and other features, deeds, services and effect on the world. In the same way that it is impossible to imitate these qualities, or to acquire them through hard work, so it is impossible, by Allah's leave, to halt the work of the Mahdi. The Mahdi will perform all the services described by our beloved Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and will, by the will of Allah, cause Qur'anic moral values to prevail on Earth. This is the destiny set out by Allah.
1 Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 36.2 Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, The Damascus Sermon, 90.3 Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, Emirdag Letters-ll, 76.4 Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, Sikke-i Tasdik-i Gaybi, 9.5 Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, Risale-i Nur Collection, The Rays, The Second Station of the Fifth Ray, Nineteenth Matter.6 Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, 23, 34, 50, 44.7 Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar, 32.8 Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi `Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman, 59.9 Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi `Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman, 17.10 Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi `Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman, 17.11 Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar, 42.12 Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Rasul Barzanji , Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah, 163.13 Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar, 20.14 Sunan Ibn Majah.15 Ibn Ahmad Hanbal.16 Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar, 23.17 Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar, 36.18 Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar, 36; Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Rasul Barzanji , Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah, 164.
If only one day of this time (world) remained, Allah would raise up a man from my family who would fill this earth with justice as it has been filled with oppression.1
According to the hadiths as well as interpretations by Islamic scholars, one of the most important phases in the dominion of Islamic moral values is the establishment of Islamic Union, in other words the union of the Islamic world. According to the hadiths, the fragmentation in the Islamic world will come to an end with the appearance of the Mahdi, and Muslims will come together in Qur'anic moral values under his leadership.
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, who discussed the subjects of the End Times and the dominion of Qur'anic moral values in his works, particularly concentrated on the subject of Islamic Union. Bediuzzaman stated that the Mahdi would be a means whereby Islamic Union would be established, and described the formation of an Islamic Union and Islamic moral values coming to prevail on Earth as a great cause for rejoicing in the Islamic world. Bediuzzaman said the following on this subject:
The greatest religious duty of this time is the Islamic Union.2
... By the will of Allah, you will attain a great cause for rejoicing of the Islamic world. There are many signs that the unification of Islamic republics will bring the Holy Qur'an, the source of holy laws, to rule the future and will bring great rejoicing to mankind.3
As we have seen, Bediuzzaman has stated that the establishment of an Islamic Union is a most important duty which must be fulfilled. As stated by Bediuzzaman, there are many signs that Islamic Union will come about and that Qur'anic moral values will rule the Earth. These signs have been reported in detail in hadiths. The holy individual in whom all these signs are manifested, and who will be the means whereby Qur'anic moral values come to rule the world, is the Mahdi.
The Irrefutable Sign of the Mahdi
The duties that will be performed by the Mahdi are the most important signs of this holy individual. As reported in the hadiths of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), being the means whereby Islam comes to rule the world is an irrefutable attribute of the Mahdi.
In his works, Bediuzzaman has described in detail many attributes that will determine the holy identity of the Mahdi. Bediuzzaman describes the duties of the Mahdi, and says that the establishment of Islamic Union will be one of the three greatest responsibilities of the Mahdi. Bediuzzaman describes this great duty of the Mahdi in these terms:
The third duty of that individual [the Mahdi] is to build an Islamic Caliphate on an Islamic unity and to serve Islam by allying himself with Christians. This duty can be fulfilled by a great caliphate and force and the sacrifices of millions. The first duty is three to four times more valuable than the other two. However, since the second and third duties will be in a very bright and broad sphere and in a glittering manner they will appear more important in the eyes of the people and the community.4
As Bediuzzaman has stated, the Mahdi will first build an Islamic Union. Then, with the power and support of the Islamic Union, he will bring Qur'anic moral values and the Sunnah of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) to prevail on Earth. In fulfilling this sacred task, he will - by the will of Allah - possess great strength, power and authority. In another statement, Bediuzzaman expresses this fact thus:
The Great Mahdi will have numerous functions. He will carry out duties in the world of politics, the world of religion, the world of government, and in the many spheres of the world of Islam…5
As we have seen, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi states that the Mahdi will serve in such major spheres as politics, government and religion.
According to the information in the hadiths and the expositions of Bediuzzaman, the Mahdi is a holy individual who will serve in these major spheres, found an Islamic Union, inflict an intellectual defeat on materialism and atheism, strengthen spiritual values and be a means whereby Islamic moral values come to rule the world. The principal sign of the Mahdi, as Bediuzzaman has stated, is his establishment of an Islamic Union and bringing the moral values of the Qur'an to prevail on Earth. It is meaningless to speak of other signs beyond this, and to concentrate on and look for these alone. Other signs only acquire significance in the event that this great sign takes place.
As stated above, the dominion of Islamic moral values is an irrefutable sign of the Mahdi. So long as this irrefutable sign of the Mahdi fails to materialise, it is impossible to speak of the position of Mahdi or of the duties of that position having been fulfilled. When, by the will of Allah, this holy individual appears, he will not, as is revealed in the hadiths, claim to hold the rank of Mahdi nor engage in any such propaganda. The great deeds of the Mahdi will be the most important evidence and proof that this holy individual has appeared. In one hadith it is reported that people will pledge allegiance to the Mahdi, although he will not desire this:
They will pledge allegiance to the Mahdi against his wishes. Later, the Mahdi will cause them to perform 2 rakats of salat and will ascend to the pulpit.6
The revelation in the hadith that people will pledge allegiance to the Mahdi, albeit against his wishes is a sign that he will never claim to be the Mahdi. The evident signs manifested in the Mahdi and his own great deeds will show that he is the awaited holy individual. He himself will make no such claims or suggestions.
In addition to the information provided in the hadiths and by Islamic scholars, there are also indications in many verses of the Qur'an to the effect that Qur'anic moral values will come to rule the world.
It Is Revealed in the Qur'an That Islamic Moral Values Will Rule the World
The Qur'an is a sacred Book, the stipulations set out in which will apply until the Day of Judgement, which covers all areas of a believer's life, and in which all of our Lord's commands appear in a flawless form. One of the greatest miracles of the Qur'an is that ever since it was first revealed, Muslims of all times have found signs referring to their own age. According to what is stated in the hadiths, Islamic moral values' coming to prevail on Earth is the most important of the signs that will come to pass after the death of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and up until the Day of Judgement. It is revealed in the Qur'an that Islamic moral values will rule the world:
Allah has promised those of you who believe and do right actions that He will make them successors in the land as He made those before them successors, and will firmly establish for them their religion with which He is pleased and give them, in place of their fear, security. "They worship Me, not associating anything with Me." Any who disbelieve after that, such people are deviators. (Surat an-Nur, 55)
As is revealed in this verse, Islamic moral values prevailing on Earth is a stipulation of our Lord's, and a promise to sincere believers who ascribe no partners to Him. By the will of Allah, this stipulation will come to pass by means of the Mahdi in the End Times. In addition, many accounts in the Qur'an which provide information about the prophets and verses refer to this holy individual, the Mahdi, who will be instrumental in this holy phenomenon. There are various hadiths of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) that state there are signs in the Qur'an pointing to this important matter. One of these reads as follows:
The Mahdi will rule Earth, just like Dhu'l-Qarnayn and Sulayman.7
As we have seen in the hadith, it is indicated that the accounts of Dhu'l-Qarnayn and Prophet Sulayman (peace be upon them) revealed in the Qur'an should be considered in the context of the Mahdi and the dominion of Islamic moral values.
In the hadiths below, it is revealed that there are important signs regarding the Mahdi and the End Times in the accounts of Ashab al-Kahf (Companions of the Cave) and Talut:
The Companions of the Cave [Ahl al-Kahf] will be the Mahdi's helpers.8
The number of the Mahdi's helpers will be as many as those who crossed the river with Talut.9
Although the Mahdi and his helpmates could be explained in various ways, it is of the greatest importance that our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) interpreted them in connection with the accounts in the Qur'an. This is one of the most powerful pieces of evidence of the presence in the Qur'an of many verses referring to the End Times. According to the information contained in the hadiths and indicated in the Qur'an, the Mahdi will have great power and authority, just like Dhu'l-Qarnayn and Prophet Sulayman (peace be upon them). In the same way that Dhu'l-Qarnayn (pbuh) brought the strife of Yajuj and Majuj to an end, the Mahdi will bring violence and terror, great calamities for mankind, to an end. Just as in the time of Prophet Sulayman (pbuh), in the time of the Mahdi great importance will be attached to art and beauty, and the Earth will be constructed in the most beautiful manner.
In the light of the information provided in the verses of the Qur'an and the hadiths, certain other features of the time in which the Mahdi will appear are considered below.
The Mahdi and the Golden Age
Islamic scholars have described the period when Islamic moral values will rule the world under the leadership of the Mahdi as the "Golden Age." According to the information in the Qur'an, the Golden Age will be a period like the "Blessed Period" that will last for more than fifty years.
In the Golden Age, want and hunger will disappear, there will be an abundance of goods and products, injustice and oppression will come to an end, justice will prevail over the Earth, disagreements, violence and conflict will come to an end, peace and security will be ensured, technological advances will reach the highest level, and humanity will make the best possible use of these technological advances. When people are in full obedience to the state and its institutions, a requirement of Qur'anic moral values, peace and harmony will be enjoyed.
People will be so happy with their lives in the Golden Age that, as stated in the hadiths, they will ask Allah to extend their lives to allow them to benefit from these beauties for longer. This is revealed thus in the hadith:
The younger ones wish they were grown-ups, while the adults wish they were younger... The good become even more good, and even the wicked ones are treated well.10
The Mahdi Will Bring Islamic Moral Values to Prevail by Means of Peace and Love
It is revealed in the hadiths that the Mahdi will bring Islamic moral values to prevail by means of peace and love. The Mahdi will constantly call on people, with tolerance, patience, compassion and love, to believe in Allah as the one and only, and will call on them to live by the moral values of the Qur'an and the Sunnah. It is revealed in these terms in the hadiths that Islamic moral values will prevail on Earth in peace:
In this time [the time of the Mahdi], neither a man will be awoken from sleep, nor will a person's nose bleed.11
The Mahdi will follow the way of the Prophet. He will not wake up a sleeping person or shed blood.12
As is revealed in the hadiths, the Mahdi will cause Islamic values to prevail on Earth by peaceful means, and will avoid war and violence. The path to be followed by the Mahdi will turn people towards Islamic moral values with great cultural strides worldwide.
One of the similarities of the Mahdi to Prophet Sulayman and Dhu'l-Qarnayn (peace be upon them) described by our beloved Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) is on this subject. As is revealed in verses of the Qur'an, Prophet Sulayman (pbuh) established a great civilisation in his time, and he ensured his dominion by means of diplomacy, art and culture. Despite possessing a very powerful and irresistible army, he did not employ military force. As is revealed in the Qur'an, Dhu'l-Qarnayn (pbuh) was regarded by the peoples around him as someone who prevented corruption and strife on Earth, and as a leader who brought peace and security. This aspect of the ages of Prophet Sulayman and Dhu'l-Qarnayn (peace be upon them) bears great similarities to that when the Mahdi will cause Islamic moral values to prevail on Earth.
The Mahdi Will Put an End to Oppression, Violence and Terror
Our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) has revealed that as well as causing Islamic moral values to prevail on Earth, the Mahdi will also put an end to the chaos, conflict, violence, war, injustice and oppression that are some of the signs of the End Times. Our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) has given the glad tidings of the great change that will be experienced with the coming of the Mahdi:
The world filled with oppression and tyranny will overflow with justice after he [the Mahdi] comes.13
In the Qur'an it is revealed that our Lord calls people to peace:
Allah calls to the Abode of Peace and He guides whom He wills to a straight path. (Surah Yunus, 25)
As a requirement of Qur'anic moral values, the Mahdi will call on people to be peaceloving, and will reconcile them. According to the hadiths, there will be no more enmity and hatred in the time of the Mahdi, and terror and violence will come to an end. Some of the hadiths on this subject read:
[In the time of Mahdi] Enmity and hatred between people will cease. Scorpions and snakes will not be poisonous, and even children will play with snakes without being bitten… Wolves will be among sheep like sheepdogs. The world will fill with religious unity like the cup fills with water. Nobody but Allah will be worshipped. Nothing will be left of warfare and conflict.14
[In the time of Mahdi] Then the Earth will become safe so that lions may graze with camels; tigers with cows, wolves with sheep; and so that children may play with snakes without being harmed.15
As can be seen from the hadiths, in the time of the Mahdi there will be great brotherhood among peoples now in dispute, and conflict of all kinds will be replaced by peace, love and friendship. The moderate, contemporary, rational and civilised model of Islam to be established in the time of this holy individual will illuminate the whole world.
There Will Be Abundance and Plenty in the Time of the Mahdi
It is revealed in hadiths that in the time of the Mahdi there will be a hitherto unseen abundance of goods and products, and that the Mahdi will behave most generously:
The Mahdi will emerge from my community. Almighty Allah will send him to make people wealthy. In his time, my community will be blessed, animals will be abundant and there will be a great supply of foodstuffs of the earth, and the Mahdi will distribute goods in abundance to all people equally.16
... In that time, the communities of the earth and the heavens, all wild animals, birds, and even the fish in the sea will rejoice in his caliphate. In his time even the running rivers will increase their waters. The Mahdi will bring the treasures forth...17As seen from the hadiths, in the time of the Mahdi there will be great plenty and abundance in all spheres, and people's suffering and poverty will come to an end.
In the Time of the Mahdi People Will Make the Best Use of All Technological Means
The Mahdi's best use of technological facilities may lie at the root of the plenty and abundance, and people's achieving well-being, in his time. In one hadith the abundance in the time of the Mahdi is described thus:
Someone sowing a measure of wheat will find seven hundred in return... A person will scatter a few handfuls of seeds but reap 700 handfuls. Despite an abundance of rain, not a drop will go waste.18
It is probable that in this narration, the transition to modern forms of agriculture, the development of new production techniques, seed improvement studies and improved use of rainwater by building dams and artificial lakes are being indicated (Allah knows best, of course).
There is no doubt that all these are techniques and methods obtained through technological advances.
In terms of technological development, our century is witnessing a pace the like of which has never been seen before. A great many technological means, which did not even have names 100 years ago, have now become indispensable parts of people's lives. There are even great differences between today's technology and that of just five years ago. There can be no doubt that this indicates that our age is a very special one. As can be seen from descriptions in the hadiths, these developments will accelerate still further with the appearance of the Mahdi, and technological facilities will be made available to all people equally. Thanks to technological advances in such fields as medicine, transport, communications, agriculture and energy, people will be able to live in the most comfortable, convenient and pleasant way.
All this information shows that the time of the Mahdi will be one of the most peaceful, most secure, most splendid and most comfortable in history, just like the time of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace).
As is stated in the verse "We have created all things in predestination" (Surat al-Qamar, 49), our Lord has created everything in the light of a specific destiny. Like those of all animate and inanimate things, the destiny of the Mahdi is already set out in the sight of Allah. The identity of this holy individual, his signs, his appearance, his establishing an Islamic Union and his bringing Islamic moral values to prevail on Earth have all happened and are all over and done with in the sight of Allah.
Allah is unbound by space and time. Human beings, however, live in a dimension that is fettered by space and time, and know nothing without the information placed in their memories. For example, the events that human beings refer to as "the future" are the future because, as a requirement of the environment of testing in this world, Allah has not placed them in our memories, so we cannot know them. Events referring to the future have not yet been experienced by people. Our Almighty Lord, however, is not bound by space and time, and it is He Who created these out of nothing. Therefore, for Allah the past, present and future are all one, and are all over and done with. We can understand that time is a single moment in the sight of Allah, and that there are no past or future for Him, from the style employed in the Qur'an. In those verses in which it is stated that people will have to account for themselves to Allah, it is revealed that these events referring to the future have long since actually taken place:
And the trumpet is blown, and all who are in the heavens and all who are on the earth swoon away, save him whom Allah wills. Then it is blown a second time, and behold them standing waiting! (Surat az-Zumar, 68)
All events that have happened or will happen in this world have come to an end in a single moment in the light of the destiny set out by Almighty Allah. Therefore, all the signs of the End Times which our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) has stated will take place in the future had actually already happened at that time. In other words, in the time of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) the Mahdi had come into the world, lived, performed all his deeds, and died. Indeed, every moment of the life of the Mahdi was already over with in the time of the Prophet Adam (pbuh). The Mahdi had already fulfilled his duties in the times of the Prophets Musa, Yusuf, Nuh and 'Isa (peace be upon them all). When the time appointed by Allah comes, everyone living in the End Times will follow and witness these holy events.
It must not be forgotten that whoever Allah has so destined will be the Mahdi. The Mahdi is a holy individual revealed by Allah to our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), who described 1,400 years ago his physical and other features, deeds, services and effect on the world. In the same way that it is impossible to imitate these qualities, or to acquire them through hard work, so it is impossible, by Allah's leave, to halt the work of the Mahdi. The Mahdi will perform all the services described by our beloved Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and will, by the will of Allah, cause Qur'anic moral values to prevail on Earth. This is the destiny set out by Allah.
1 Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 36.2 Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, The Damascus Sermon, 90.3 Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, Emirdag Letters-ll, 76.4 Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, Sikke-i Tasdik-i Gaybi, 9.5 Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, Risale-i Nur Collection, The Rays, The Second Station of the Fifth Ray, Nineteenth Matter.6 Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, 23, 34, 50, 44.7 Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar, 32.8 Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi `Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman, 59.9 Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi `Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman, 17.10 Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi `Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman, 17.11 Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar, 42.12 Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Rasul Barzanji , Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah, 163.13 Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar, 20.14 Sunan Ibn Majah.15 Ibn Ahmad Hanbal.16 Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar, 23.17 Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar, 36.18 Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar, 36; Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Rasul Barzanji , Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah, 164.
Harun Yahya
Unbiased people who study Islamic history and the Muslims' relationship with the Jews and Christians living under Islamic rule will come across the following fact: The People of the Book have always lived in peace and tranquility under Islamic rule.
God reveals that those Christians and Jews who believe in Him and the Day of Judgment and do good deeds will receive the fairest rewards for their virtue:
Those who believe, those who are Jews, Christians, and Sabaeans, all who believe in God and the Last Day and act rightly will have their reward with their Lord. They will feel no fear and will know no sorrow. (Qur'an, 2:62)
Prophet Mohammed's (may God bless him and grant him peace) Exemplary Attitude
Prophet Mohammed (saas), the best role model for Muslims who deal with the People of the Book, was always just and compassionate toward Jews and Christians and tried to create an atmosphere based on reconciliation and love among these three religious communities. Various agreements and guarantees allowed Christians and Jews to live as autonomous religious communities.
Prophet Mohammed (saas) allowed the Jews to become a party to the Constitution of Madinah signed with the Aws and Khazraj clans, which permitted them to continue living as a separate religious community. The basis for this acceptance of the Jews' faith and traditions was laid down in the following article: "The Jews of Banu Awf [non-Muslim minorities] are a community along with the believers. To the Jews their
religion, and to the Muslim their religion." 1
Freedom of Belief and Worship
Beginning at the time of Prophet Mohammed (saas), there has always been freedom of religion in Muslim-ruled lands. Articles guaranteeing the protection of monasteries and churches have been important parts of all agreements signed between Muslims and the People of the Book. Historical documents reveal that many Muslims visited monasteries to rest for the night, to enjoy a meal, or even to have a civilized conversation during their travels or campaigns.
The People of the Book often responded warmly toward Muslims. The following expressions were recorded in an agreement signed by Caliph Umar, which was presented to Abu Ubayda by the Syrian Christians:
[We imposed these terms on ourselves:]… not to withhold our churches from Muslims stopping there by night or day; to open their doors to the traveller and wayfarer; …to entertain every Muslim traveller in our customary style and feed him… We will not abuse a Muslim, and he who strikes a Muslim has forfeited his rights. 2
Under Islamic rule, the People of the Book have always celebrated their religious festivities as they pleased. From time to time, the Muslim leadership even attended them. A letter by the Nestorian Patriarch Isho'yab III (650-60) reveals the Muslim leaders' compassion and acceptance toward the People of the Book:
They [Abbasids] have not attacked the Christian religion, but rather they have commended our faith, honored our priests... and conferred benefits on churches and monasteries. 3
These historical facts reveal that, contrary to much of what we read today, Islam is a religion of peace and acceptance. Christians and Jews lived freely under Muslim rule and enjoyed the freedoms of religious belief and thought.
Tranquility under Muslim Rule
During the first few centuries of the Christian era, Jews oppressed Christians; as the latter became more powerful, they began to oppress Jews and even fellow Christians belonging to other sects. The Middle Ages were dominated by the Catholic church's oppression of all Jews and Christians who did not agree with its teachings. Some non-Catholics sought refuge with the Muslims. The oppression and violence directed by Byzantium against the Egyptian Monophysite and the Jacobean Christians, the horrors endured by those Jews and Orthodox Christians who found themselves in the path of the Catholic Crusaders, and the persecution endured by the Jews of Europe, as well as by the Muslims and Jews in Spain after the reconquista, have never occurred on Muslim soil.
Jews escaping Spanish tyranny found the peace and security they sought on Ottoman soil. Driven out of Spain and faced with more hardship in other countries where they sought refuge, many died of hunger and thirst at the gates of towns and cities they were not permitted to enter.
Jews who boarded Genoese ships were either exploited or sold to pirates. Sultan Bayazid welcomed the Jews into his empire and demanded that the people show them the respect and acceptance to which they were entitled.
The order proclaimed not to refuse the Jews entry or cause them difficulties, but to receive them cordially. 4 Sultan Bayazid is known to history as a religious man, and his hospitality and acceptance were based on the Qur'an's morality.
Living under the Islamic rule, the People of the Book took part in the bustling cultural life. Muslim leaders extended their cultural patronage to the lands they conquered and imported them to Baghdad, capital of the empire, where they would be studied by Muslim, Christian, and Jewish scientists. Each of them in turn, could teach their works based on these studies alongside their own religious beliefs. At a time when Muslims supported science and freedom of thought, Europe, the center of Christianity, had Inquisition courts that burned people at the stake for their heretical, meaning non-Catholic, thoughts or religious beliefs.
The Muslim leaders' sense of justice led many Christians and Jews to bring their cases to Islamic courts, even though they had their own courts with their own laws. At one time, the Nestorian patriarch Mar Timothee I (780-825) even circulated a decree to counteract the ever-increasing number of Christians taking their cases to Islamic courts. 5
The Non-Muslims' Legal Status
The People of the Book living within the Muslim realm were considered dhimmis, rather than prisoners of war, and therefore were guaranteed certain legal rights. For example, in exchange for paying the jizya tax, their lives and property were guaranteed, and they enjoyed freedom of religious belief and thought, were exempted from military service, and had the right to their own law courts to resolve their disputes. On some occasions, their taxes were refunded.
Our Prophet (saas) said: "I am the adversary of those who wrong the dhimmis or burden them with a load they cannot carry." According to this principle, Muslims considered it their duty to protect those non-Muslims living under their rule. The Muslims' sense of justice dictates that dhimmis come under the state's protection.
The amicable history between Muslims and Jews and Christians is an example for the present. The Islamic code of ethics requires that non-Muslims be accepted, that their values and beliefs be respected, and that an environment in which peaceful coexistence is possible be created. Therefore, the spread of this code, as well as efforts to correct some misguided practices claiming to be Islamic, will play an important role.
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1- “Islam and anti-Semitism,” 31 January 2004;
2- (Majid Khadduri, War and Peace in the Law of Islam (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1955), 193-94.)
3- Fred Aprim, “The A to Z of the ancient Chaldeans and their relation to modern Chaldeans;”
4- Abraham Danon, in the Review Yossef Daath, no. 4.
5- Levent Ozturk, Asr-i Saadetten (Christians in Islamic Society from the Blessed Period of the Prophet to the Crusades), 188.
God reveals that those Christians and Jews who believe in Him and the Day of Judgment and do good deeds will receive the fairest rewards for their virtue:
Those who believe, those who are Jews, Christians, and Sabaeans, all who believe in God and the Last Day and act rightly will have their reward with their Lord. They will feel no fear and will know no sorrow. (Qur'an, 2:62)
Prophet Mohammed's (may God bless him and grant him peace) Exemplary Attitude
Prophet Mohammed (saas), the best role model for Muslims who deal with the People of the Book, was always just and compassionate toward Jews and Christians and tried to create an atmosphere based on reconciliation and love among these three religious communities. Various agreements and guarantees allowed Christians and Jews to live as autonomous religious communities.
Prophet Mohammed (saas) allowed the Jews to become a party to the Constitution of Madinah signed with the Aws and Khazraj clans, which permitted them to continue living as a separate religious community. The basis for this acceptance of the Jews' faith and traditions was laid down in the following article: "The Jews of Banu Awf [non-Muslim minorities] are a community along with the believers. To the Jews their
religion, and to the Muslim their religion." 1
Freedom of Belief and Worship
Beginning at the time of Prophet Mohammed (saas), there has always been freedom of religion in Muslim-ruled lands. Articles guaranteeing the protection of monasteries and churches have been important parts of all agreements signed between Muslims and the People of the Book. Historical documents reveal that many Muslims visited monasteries to rest for the night, to enjoy a meal, or even to have a civilized conversation during their travels or campaigns.
The People of the Book often responded warmly toward Muslims. The following expressions were recorded in an agreement signed by Caliph Umar, which was presented to Abu Ubayda by the Syrian Christians:
[We imposed these terms on ourselves:]… not to withhold our churches from Muslims stopping there by night or day; to open their doors to the traveller and wayfarer; …to entertain every Muslim traveller in our customary style and feed him… We will not abuse a Muslim, and he who strikes a Muslim has forfeited his rights. 2
Under Islamic rule, the People of the Book have always celebrated their religious festivities as they pleased. From time to time, the Muslim leadership even attended them. A letter by the Nestorian Patriarch Isho'yab III (650-60) reveals the Muslim leaders' compassion and acceptance toward the People of the Book:
They [Abbasids] have not attacked the Christian religion, but rather they have commended our faith, honored our priests... and conferred benefits on churches and monasteries. 3
These historical facts reveal that, contrary to much of what we read today, Islam is a religion of peace and acceptance. Christians and Jews lived freely under Muslim rule and enjoyed the freedoms of religious belief and thought.
Tranquility under Muslim Rule
During the first few centuries of the Christian era, Jews oppressed Christians; as the latter became more powerful, they began to oppress Jews and even fellow Christians belonging to other sects. The Middle Ages were dominated by the Catholic church's oppression of all Jews and Christians who did not agree with its teachings. Some non-Catholics sought refuge with the Muslims. The oppression and violence directed by Byzantium against the Egyptian Monophysite and the Jacobean Christians, the horrors endured by those Jews and Orthodox Christians who found themselves in the path of the Catholic Crusaders, and the persecution endured by the Jews of Europe, as well as by the Muslims and Jews in Spain after the reconquista, have never occurred on Muslim soil.
Jews escaping Spanish tyranny found the peace and security they sought on Ottoman soil. Driven out of Spain and faced with more hardship in other countries where they sought refuge, many died of hunger and thirst at the gates of towns and cities they were not permitted to enter.
Jews who boarded Genoese ships were either exploited or sold to pirates. Sultan Bayazid welcomed the Jews into his empire and demanded that the people show them the respect and acceptance to which they were entitled.
The order proclaimed not to refuse the Jews entry or cause them difficulties, but to receive them cordially. 4 Sultan Bayazid is known to history as a religious man, and his hospitality and acceptance were based on the Qur'an's morality.
Living under the Islamic rule, the People of the Book took part in the bustling cultural life. Muslim leaders extended their cultural patronage to the lands they conquered and imported them to Baghdad, capital of the empire, where they would be studied by Muslim, Christian, and Jewish scientists. Each of them in turn, could teach their works based on these studies alongside their own religious beliefs. At a time when Muslims supported science and freedom of thought, Europe, the center of Christianity, had Inquisition courts that burned people at the stake for their heretical, meaning non-Catholic, thoughts or religious beliefs.
The Muslim leaders' sense of justice led many Christians and Jews to bring their cases to Islamic courts, even though they had their own courts with their own laws. At one time, the Nestorian patriarch Mar Timothee I (780-825) even circulated a decree to counteract the ever-increasing number of Christians taking their cases to Islamic courts. 5
The Non-Muslims' Legal Status
The People of the Book living within the Muslim realm were considered dhimmis, rather than prisoners of war, and therefore were guaranteed certain legal rights. For example, in exchange for paying the jizya tax, their lives and property were guaranteed, and they enjoyed freedom of religious belief and thought, were exempted from military service, and had the right to their own law courts to resolve their disputes. On some occasions, their taxes were refunded.
Our Prophet (saas) said: "I am the adversary of those who wrong the dhimmis or burden them with a load they cannot carry." According to this principle, Muslims considered it their duty to protect those non-Muslims living under their rule. The Muslims' sense of justice dictates that dhimmis come under the state's protection.
The amicable history between Muslims and Jews and Christians is an example for the present. The Islamic code of ethics requires that non-Muslims be accepted, that their values and beliefs be respected, and that an environment in which peaceful coexistence is possible be created. Therefore, the spread of this code, as well as efforts to correct some misguided practices claiming to be Islamic, will play an important role.
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1- “Islam and anti-Semitism,” 31 January 2004;
2- (Majid Khadduri, War and Peace in the Law of Islam (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1955), 193-94.)
3- Fred Aprim, “The A to Z of the ancient Chaldeans and their relation to modern Chaldeans;”
4- Abraham Danon, in the Review Yossef Daath, no. 4.
5- Levent Ozturk, Asr-i Saadetten (Christians in Islamic Society from the Blessed Period of the Prophet to the Crusades), 188.
Harun Yahya
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